Dear expert,
Many thanks for your interest in reviewing and commenting on the new Farsi history book (Farsinameh). The draft manuscript is now ready and I have attached a copy for your kind considerations. You are not under any obligations, but I will really appreciate your honest opinion as a learned Farsi speaker and an expert.
As a humble student of history, my inspiration is to share an unbiased and realistic view regarding Iran's history, with the new generation that will surely topple the current ideological dictatorship. This book is also meant to highlight the repetitive failed attempts at establishing democracy in Iran; in order to assist with the imminent developments that will hopefully result in a just society and peaceful coexistence with the international community.
Best regards,
A. M.-Kia
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توجه داشته باشيد كه از تاريخ 10 مه 2007ارسال نامه ها نياز به مديريت ندارد ولذا عده اي ممكن است برايتان هرزنامه يا نامه حاوي ويروس ارسال كنند.
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